
If you want to participate in current open events/workshops read more here. If you simply want to contribute financially to help our efforts, please click here.

We do several events through the year to support our unique vision (educational equity and fight against youth hunger). We conduct ongoing FREE Virtual STEAM Workshops, Baking , DIY Craft classes, we bake for our annual fundraisers, we cook healthy meals for youth shelters, we bake and share goodies with our local open kitchen and youth shelters. 

“If you cannot feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Mother Teresa

“They cannot stop me. I will get my education, if it is in the home, school, or anyplace.” Malala Yousafzai

Summary and Impact

36 STEM Workshops

6 Art&Science Workshops (Baking, Art DIY)

Fundraised: $1400

Youth reach: 400+

Read more here. This supports our 'Educational Equity' initiative

Various Fundraisers

This supports our vision around educational equity and fight against youth hunger. Read more here

16 events which helped Fundraise $21k, Baked 3500+ treats

2 Books Fundraiser: STEM books for Page Ahead Childrens Literacy (20+ kids),  20+ kids through the Rescue Team Kenya non-profit helping underserved kids in poverty

"No one goes hungry" Initiative

Youth homeless shelters: 500+ treats

Y2Y Initiative: 1500+ shelter meals by our 25+ youth volunteers

Read more on our page. This supports our fight against youth hunger